Eurasia Regional Conference – Europe

Let light shine out of darkness.

We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.

For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

(2 Corinthians 4: 6 & 18 New International Version (NIV))

As followers of Christ, we live at the intersection of visible and invisible realities. We look for change in circumstances and in behavior, yet we also understand that these are the fruit of spiritual changes birthed by the Spirit of Christ and prayer.

We are realistic and do not soften the daily reality that our people are facing, yet this reality does not have the last word. Christ has the final say, so how can we look at our circumstances from God’s perspective, and share that with those around us and live boldly for Christ?

Profound preaching

Invigorating workshops

Renewing worship

Revitalizing Fellowship

Every four years the Eurasia Region of the Church of the Nazarene organizes a regional conference. These conferences join members from all over the region in one place to celebrate the work God has done in the region. The Eurasia Region encompasses 93 sovereign nations or distinct areas across Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, North Africa, and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States).


The following speakers will share their stories during the conference


The following speakers will share their stories during the conference

Schedule Regional Conference

Start Time Thursday November 14 Friday November 15 Saturday November 16 Sunday November 17 Monday November 18 Tuesday November 19
Arrival Day Departure Day
8:00am Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:30am Morning Worship Morning Worship Morning Worship Morning Worship RC Attendees
11:30am Regional
Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break
12:00 noon Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops
1:15pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2:45pm Small Groups Small Groups Small Groups Small Groups
3:45pm Tea Break / FreeTime Tea Break / FreeTime Tea Break / FreeTime Tea Break / FreeTime
6:30pm Dinner / Check-in Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
8:00pm – 9:30pm Informal time of fellowship / Check-in Evening Celebration Evening Celebration Evening Celebration Evening Celebration


Below is an overview of the workshops during the Eurasia Regional Conference.

Day Before breakfast Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Workshop 6 Workshop 7 Workshop 8
Friday Developing Our
Intimacy with God
Fruitfully Being
Church in a
Society that just
Isn’t Interested
Forgotten People
Forgotten Places:
Being Church on
the Margins
Storytelling for
Discipleship Part 1
How to be Holy in
Our Public and
Private Discourse
Fostering the
People of God at
the Table of God
Faith, Doubt and
Questions in a
Finishing Well: A Plan for Self Care
Saturday Developing Our
Intimacy with God
Pushing to
Connect Others
with Jesus
Church of the
Approaches to
Human Sexuality
Storytelling for
Discipleship Part 2
The Articles of
Faith Study Map
Film Making on
the Mission Field
The Arts as a
Form of Prayer
and fasting for a
Fresh Outpouring
of the Holy Spirit
Self Differentiated
Leadership Made
Marty and Missionaries
Sunday Developing Our
Intimacy with God
Creation: Why and
How We Should
Get Involved in
Protecting Our
Theology in
Small Discipleship: Big
Discipleship First Half Day Film
Empowering and Equipping Missionaries with Effective Deputation Communication tools and skills Fighting Fair:
Monday Developing Our
Intimacy with God
The Local
Nazarene Church
Strangers at
Strange Tables:
New Ways of
Thinking About
SHARE The Three Pillars
of Discipleship – Discipleship Task
Self Harm and Suicide: Understanding and Pastoral Response Marty and